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Planning is ready – Efore 2.0 will be launched February 25th

Efore is going through major renewal. One important step in this journey is the divestment of Efore Telecom business that was completed in the end of November last year. After that Efore future has been planned under the project name ”Efore 2.0”.

This planning work has now been completed. When the 2019 result will be published and silent period closed, it will be excellent time to talk about these plans with all of you as well.

I’m happy to invite you to follow Efore 2.0 launch event in 25th February. You can follow the launch event online at 1pm Finland time (in Finnish) or 3pm Finland time (in English). Links to both of these events will be published in our web pages in Latest news -section as well as in Events & Shows.

If you are an Efore shareholder, you can also participate the launch event in person (Symposion room in Hotel Kämp, Pohjoisesplanadi 29, Helsinki). Please reserve your seat by sending your registration latest on February 17th to or by phone to 09-478466/Anu Virokannas. For those participating in person we will serve light lunch before the launch event.

Please note that the amount of seats are limited and filled based on registration order.