Rail approved power solutions
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BCS11120 12kW Battery Charging System 400VAC / 110VDC
Modular Rail approved battery charging system 2 x 6kW, 400VAC/110VDC
MHE High Efficiency Rectifiers for OPUS Power Systems
Rectifier modules 24V-220V, 1.5kW-2kW, Natural Convection cooling
ADC4370 Battery Chargers and Power Supplies 800W
ADC7180 and MSR racks 2.4kW – 3.2kW
Configurable 19" rack, 1-4 x 800W rectifiers, adjustable 0-144VDC per unit
ADC7480 Battery Chargers and Power Supplies 3000W
ADC7520 Battery Chargers and Power Supplies 1600W
OPUS HE Cabinet Power Systems
Modular Power System 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-24kW, inverter & DC/DC options
OPUS HE 5U DC Power Systems
19" 5U Modular Rack Power System 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-6kW
Building block rack 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-10kW, master-slave up to 64kW
OPUS HE 12U DC Power Systems
19" 12U Modular Rack Power System 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-10kW
OPUS HE 12U VIDI2 Power Systems
19" 12U Modular Rack Power System 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-10kW
OPUS MVPS 12U AC & DC Power System
19" 12U Multi Voltage Power System DC 24V-220V 4kW, AC 208V-240V 3.6kVA
OPUS HE OC2066 Cabinet Power System
Modular Power System 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-24kW, inverter & DC/DC options
EPOS Mini DC Power Systems
19" 4U-10U Modular Rack Power System 48-60VDC 300W - 2400W
OPUS HE 7U DC Power Systems
19" 7U Modular Rack Power System 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-6kW
Building block rack 24VDC-220VDC 1.5kW-12kW, master-slave up to 64kW
ADC9000 Rail Battery Charger Modules
Rail approved charger series with 230/400V input and 24/36/110V ouput
BMS9000 Rail Battery Managent System
6 - 12kW IP20 modular rack solution with 400V input and 110V ouput
BHC9640 Rail Battery Managent System
12kW IP65 roof-to Rail approved charger series with 400V input and 110V oup...